Friday, December 14, 2018

Finding Adventure in the Little Things

Yesterday I received a Christmas card from my aunt. I look forward to her cards each year as she is a wonderful writer and always includes an original Christmas poem. This year, she also included a short letter about her recent adventures in Ireland as well as her thoughts on settling into a new home, which we have recently done in North Carolina. She mentioned how she enjoys the "adventure of discovery in a new locale -- favorite restaurants, parks, short-cuts, best coffee..." This is just where I am right now. The little things are indeed an adventure.

Earlier this week, I was determined to redeem my free birthday drink at Starbucks only to discover that every Starbucks within a 25 mile radius was closed due to a few inches of snow the day before. I got a good laugh out of that. Guess I'm not in upstate New York anymore!

Yesterday, I had a truly hilarious encounter with some university students who couldn't tell me where to mail a letter on their campus. They literally had never seen a mailbox and couldn't imagine why anyone would send an old fashioned paper letter. This confirmed that I am officially an old geezer.

One of my favorite discoveries has been a local coffee shop that does fantastic toast. Avocado toast, blueberry goat cheese toast, almond butter banana toast... I confess I have a toast problem. Oh, and they do a Prosecco bar in the evening! How's that for a great idea?

Lately, I'm loving just walking my dog and waving at new neighbors. I was giddy when I discovered a tiny "Give a Book -- Share a Book" library in my neighborhood. I also learned that one of the most popular restaurants in the area is a stellar Lebanese carry-out place. Can you say YUM? I've enjoyed seeing everyone dressed up for game day. Wolfpack, Tar Heels, Blue Devils -- y'all, these folks are serious about football. Christmas shopping in a new city is different, too; and there's all sorts of wonderful little boutiques to explore. Now if I can just find the best display of Christmas lights!

When you arrive in a new location, things are different. Some differences you love, others you don't. But if you keep the right perspective, it can be a lot of fun. In many ways, it's a journey of self-discovery, perhaps not to the extent that I have experienced while acclimating to places like Madagascar, but it is still an adjustment. 

Experiencing change keeps us moving forward. It keeps us from getting stuck. I don't know about you, but it makes me feel alive. If I'm still living here in ten or twenty years, I hope I can keep looking at the little things with fresh eyes. I hope that my tiny neighborhood library will always bring me joy. I pray that I hold onto that feeling of excitement that I have for the adventure and the gratitude I have for what God is doing through it.

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