Saturday, March 9, 2019

Lust for Life!

I recently had a wonderful Skype call with a beloved Dutch friend (who happens to be next to me in the picture above). We share the same heart for God, and it was a joy to catch up and be able to pray together. During our conversation, she mentioned a Dutch word for which there is no English counterpart -- Levenslust. Literally, it can be translated as lust for life, but a close approximation is perhaps the French joie de vivre. 

As my friend shared that this is the way she wants to live, my heart proclaimed a resounding Me too! We aren't here to just survive this life, although sometimes it can certainly feel like it. We were created for joy, for passion, for love. When fear enters our lives, it robs us of our levenslust. I'm not in the habit of finding deep meaning in country songs (maybe in my next post I'll quote some profound poetry, just for literary cred), but every time I hear the Kenny Chesney song "Can't We All Just Get Along?" these words really hit me:

Get along, on down the road
We've got a long long way to go
Scared to live, scared to die
We ain't perfect but we try

For so many years, I lived my life that way -- Scared to live, scared to die. I didn't know there was any other way. Truthfully, I wasn't really living. Moments of joy were fleeting. Peace was nearly nonexistent. I wanted to live, but I didn't know how. Every day seemed like a slog, and I certainly wasn't experiencing abundant life. Have you ever felt that way? Maybe you're stuck in that place right now.

So what do we need to do to escape the day to day cycle of fear and experience levenslust? I'll share a little secret -- Nothing! We can't escape fear and find joy by doing. The key lies in being. It is only by taking a posture of rest that we can receive what we need to live differently. It's a heart thing. Our hearts were made to be in connection with our creator, and it is through this connection that we discover whose we are. When the connection is damaged, or non-existent, we miss out on his impartation of love. It is this love that is essential for defeating fear, and there is nothing you can do to earn that love. But it does require an open and willing heart, a heart that yearns for connection. So what is your heart telling you? Is there something deep inside you that wants to experience a lust for life? To be free from fear? To live your adventure?

This is where true identity and freedom are found. No need to measure up. No need to have your life all sorted. No need to be perfect. Just be. Rest in his presence. Ask him for more love. (His supply is infinite!) Peace and joy are inextricably tied to that love. It's a beautiful package. Are you willing to let go and receive the greatest gift that God can impart? Are you ready to LIVE?

If this seems like an impossibility right now, it's okay. God is patient. He'll walk with you one step at a time, and he'll never stop loving you. Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10). He means that. He wants you to experience the quality of eternal life that can only be found in the Father. He won't give up on you, today or ever. But whatever your circumstances, wherever you are along the journey, let this be your prayer...

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27:13-14)

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